Paying your bills on schedule might be tough at times. This is especially the case for bills like your rent payment due on the first day of every month. However, paying your rent late has real consequences, like late fees and maybe an upset landlord – or worse. It can also make it tough to qualify for a new rental home in the future since your current landlord is reluctant to offer you a good recommendation if you are constantly paying late. To make sure you’re paying that rent (and your other bills) at the proper time every month, here are a few strategies that can help.
Pay Online
Today, several Suffolk property managers offer online rent payments to their tenants. If yours does, you should take advantage of it. It’s one of the best strategies to ensure you’re getting that rent payment in on time. Online payments are awesome since they move funds easily and securely from your account to your landlord’s bank. Some systems will even allow you to schedule a payment in advance for a specific date. Just make your payment a day or two before it’s due to allow for processing time.
Set Up Automatic Payments
Another helpful tactic to ensure that you pay your rent on time is to set up automatic payments from your bank. Some landlords can help you set up ACH or other automatic transfers that will pay your rent for you on a specific date each month. Like this, you don’t need to worry about logging in to submit your payment – it’s all managed for you! Even if your landlord doesn’t offer automatic payments, you may be able to set up automatic payments through your bank or credit union. Review your bank’s bill payment tools to see if yours offers this service.
Stay Organized
Creating a system for your bill payments, including your rent payment, can be efficient. If you tend to leave things to the last minute, you may need to opt for a particular date or set aside time each month to take care of all of your bills at once. It’s also imperative to keep a file (either paper or electronic) involving all of the information you need to get your bills paid on time each month. Some individuals are aware that creating a simple spreadsheet or checklist is beneficial, mainly if you enjoy checking things off. You can guarantee that your payments are made on time each month by keeping things orderly.
Create Reminders
We all need to be reminded of important tasks every so often. So, making these reminders for yourself in advance is one way to be on time with your rent payments. If the concept of an electronic reminder appeals to you, you could set up a calendar or use a reminder app on your phone or computer. As a substitute, your reminder could be as simple as writing notes on a calendar that hangs somewhere you’ll be sure to notice it.
Reward Yourself
In conclusion, when you pay your rent on time, bear in mind to give yourself a little treat for a job well done. Positive reinforcement can be a great strategy to ensure that you pay your rent on time every month. By treating yourself to a little sweet or splurge item, you can build positive associations with paying your rent, making it easier for you to remember to pay it on time every month.
Paying your rent on time is easiest when your landlord offers convenient ways to pay. However, if your current landlord is unfamiliar with their payment options, it may be wise to choose one such as Real Property Management Hampton Roads. You can contact our office to learn more or visit our online listings to find quality rental homes near you.
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