Real Property Management Hampton Roads

6 Tips for Hosting a Successful Moving Sale

Are you preparing to move and looking for methods to save money? One possible method is to organize a moving sale! This could be a great option to remove some of your old stuff while also earning some extra cash. But how can you ensure the success of your relocation sale? If you adhere to these guidelines, your moving sale is expected to go off without problems.

Plan for your moving sale

Provide adequate time to organize and execute your relocation sale. If you live in a rental property, you should inform your landlord so they can give you permission for the event. If you want more people to hear about your sale, you could always ask them to take part in it. More is better, right?

Spread the word and advertise

To make your moving sale a success, you need to advertise. Make sure your friends and neighbors know about your moving sale by advertising it on social media, putting up fliers around town, or even creating an online ad listing it on sites like Craigslist. Signs pointing in the right direction will help shoppers find your location on sale day. Make your posters stand out by using lots of colors if you can.

Have a variety of fair-priced items

Before the big day, do some research on what similar items are selling for, and then decide on prices for your items. If you misjudge the prices of the items at your moving sale, you may not make as much money. You want to ensure that you receive a fair price and that your items will sell. Make sure you have more than just clothes and books for sale, as having a wider selection will attract more customers. In general, customers are more likely to shop at your sale if you have more items available.

Prepare Your Space

Allow visitors ample space to browse your items comfortably. Furthermore, having enough tables or racks on hand can help you showcase your items appropriately. To increase visibility, try setting up everything near a sidewalk, at the end of your driveway, or in your yard. Although holding your sale inside a garage may seem appealing, if people can’t see the products for sale, they may not even stop to browse.

Accept Multiple Forms of Payment

Make sure you are ready to accept a variety of payment methods, including cash, credit cards, and even electronic payments like Venmo. Don’t forget to withdraw money from the bank in advance of the sale so that you’ll have cash on hand, including coins and smaller bills.

Clean Up Afterward

If there are still left over after the sale, you should have a plan for getting rid of any unsold items. Load everything up and take it to a donation location if you decide not to keep it. It is possible you could even arrange for heavy items to be lifted. Pickups in such cases should be scheduled as far in advance as possible. Get those items you plan to keep or sell online safely packaged up as soon as possible. Don’t leave your flyers and signage after the sale; instead, pick them up and put them somewhere safe.


By following these tips, your chances of having a successful moving sale are sure to increase!

Contact Real Property Management Hampton Roads if you’re moving soon and want to see some good listings in your area!